Come Follow Me Lessons & Activities for Kids Lesson 4 | January 20 – 26 | Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65

In the few years since the visitation of God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith had wondered what God would want him to do with his life. Again, in humble prayer, Joseph plead for guidance, “that I might know of my state and standing before him” (Joseph Smith—History 1:29). Again, his prayer was answered.
Like Joseph, we all want to know what God’s plan is for us and our families. Through Jesus Christ, we can know who we are and find joy in our purpose in life. Moving forward with faith in God’s plan is one of the most important examples we can set for our loved ones.
Come Follow Me FHE lessons include everything you need to make family scripture study fun for your kids! Join our membership for only $12 a month, and you’ll gain access to a treasure trove of resources to strengthen your family’s spiritual foundation and growth.
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Elementary Bundle Lessons & Activities
The lesson for this week is simplified but intentional to focus your thoughts and efforts on the Savior and His birth. We hope you take the time to use the activities provided to incorporate the light of Christ into your lives and into this special season
Fight Off Temptation!
Hands-On Activity
Thwart off temptations by making CTR Shields and shielding temptations with a marshmallow fight. Then read and act out our Temptation Scenarios where you need to fight temptations and choose the right. Reference JSH 1:28 and discuss how Joseph Smith had temptations he had to fight off while he was a young boy.

History Timeline
Scripture Study
As a family, read JSH 1:27-67. For younger children, reference and use the Joseph Smith-History Timeline. As you read, find and color, then cut and paste the proper pictures onto your timeline. After your lesson, point out how long it took between Moroni’s first visit and when Joseph recovered the plates.

Finding in the Fall
Coloring Page
Joseph Smith recovered The Book of Mormon in September 1827. Think of how it might look in a wooded area this time of year. Color the Joseph Smith Finds the Gold Plates coloring page with beautiful fall leaves in warm colors. Read JSH 1:59 and teach your children that without Joseph Smith, we would not have The Book of Mormon and fullness of the gospel on earth.

Ready to jump in and get immediate access to these activities and so much more? We’re excited to have you join the Come Follow Me FHE family. Subscribe now for only $12/month.
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Toddler Bundle Lessons & Activities
For kids ages 1-4 at home and in nursery or sunbeams.
This week, we’ll be sharing the gospel with your little ones using the activity book in the Elementary Bundle. Be sure to use the activity book for younger children (Level 1, Recommended for ages 3-6). Print your activity book pages, then cut all of them in half, except the cover. You will fold the cover in half to help keep the pages together. Put all your pages in order inside the cover and then staple along the left-hand edge. Make one book for each of your children.
God Loves Us
Scripture Study
In your own words, recount the story of Angel Moroni visiting Joseph Smith. Explain to your child that Moroni instructed Joseph Smith to get the gold plates that were buried. Discuss that the gold plates were what we know as the Book of Mormon. Heavenly Father wanted Joseph Smith to get the gold plates and translate them. That means make it so that you and I can understand and read it. Heavenly Father wanted Joseph Smith to do this because He loves us. The Angel Moroni told Joseph Smith where to look. Joseph Smith found the plates and because of that we now have the Book of Mormon! Share your testimony of the Book of Mormon. Do the Find the Gold Plates activity together.

The toddler bundle includes a lesson plan and three activities every week. Grab the toddler bundle in our subscription.
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Teen Bundle Lessons & Activities
The Teen Bundle includes a study page with four thoughtful questions each week that align with a scripture from Come, Follow Me, an applicable challenge to accept each week, and an awesome video done by a current seminary teacher that brings a topic from the study to life for teens. Plus: each week comes with a scripture print to hang on their bathroom mirror, in their locker, etc. Check out this weeThe Teen Bundle includes a study page with four thoughtful questions each week that align with a scripture from Come, Follow Me, an applicable challenge to accept each week, and an awesome video done by a current seminary teacher that brings a topic from the study to life for teens. Plus: each week comes with a scripture print to hang on their bathroom mirror, in their locker, etc. Check out this week’s Book of Mormon-themed teen bundle now!k’s Book of Mormon-themed teen bundle now!

Ready to jump in and get immediate access to these activities and so much more? We’re excited to have you join the Come Follow Me FHE family.
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