Jacob chapter 5 is the longest chapter in The Book of Mormon. It is the allegory of the Olive Tree. We chose to focus the main lesson on this chapter. Start by discussing what allegory means. We have provided a definition of allegory that you can display.
We recommend listening to Jacob 5 on audio while your family follows along, stopping as you need to for your children to discuss the concepts. The children can color, cut, and paste their vineyard scene as they listen. Have them glue the branches onto the trees each time they hear about a branch being trimmed or grafted in. Take your time making it through this story.
After you finish listening to chapter 5, use the Olive Tree timeline to review what you learned. You can also use the visual aid in the Come Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual on page 49 to help you understand the allegory.
We have a couple of fun missionary activities you can do as bonus ideas throughout the week. Play with the missionary paper dolls as you discuss what a missionary is and how they can serve the Lord.
Use the missionary tags for each child to enact being a missionary. Consider giving them a mission call and assigning them a mission. Discuss how we can be missionaries now.
Jacob 6:4-5 teaches that Heavenly Father loves us and will forgive us. Make a necklace or badge out of the hearts provided as a reminder that we are loved. Use the song chart to learn and sing the song “My Heavenly Father Loves Me.”
See your summary sheet for more bonus ideas that can be used this week.
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