What Wilt Thou Have Me To Do, Stand For The Right

While studying this week the words to this song kept coming to mind. “Our prophet has some words for you, and these are the words, be true be true. At work or at play, in darkness of light, be true be true and stand for the right.” (Children’s Songbook pg. 159) We must all stand for the right. The Lord is relying on us to listen to the promptings we receive from the Holy Ghost and share them with those around us, especially our families. 
In your materials this week you have five images of five apostles that were witnesses of Christ in the book of Acts. On the back of each image is a summarized version of the story. This makes it easy to use as a teaching poster. Be sure to print the poster and text for the summarized story front to back when you are preparing your materials. Along with each picture is a simple hands on activity to complete. I recommend letting your children each have a turn holding the picture as you tell it. You can also look for videos to tell the story online


The five images included tell about five people that stood for the right! One of them was even martyred. I believe many of the apostles eventually died for preaching of Christ. They gave their all in an effort to share the gospel to all the world.
Reading these stories this week with your family is a great way to teach that we are all part of moving the Lord’s work forward. We are all responsible for standing up and standing out. The coloring page in our lesson materials this week depicts a real life example of this perfectly! It is a great way to make real life connections with your children. I encourage you to ask them how they can stand for the right in their daily life?


Remember that after you read each story complete the simple activity provided for each. Two of the favorites at our house were repentance stick puppets and money bags! Take a look through your materials for all the goodies! Your kids are sure to enjoy them all!

One of the things we love to include each week are inspirational quotes from our prophets that discuss the topic we are learning about in the Come Follow Me manual. These two beautiful prints are in your lesson this week. I love to display mine in our home. Plus I found the perfect frame to use that allows me to easily switch prints each week. 



The Good Better Best Challenge that was held last week was well received. Thank you for participating whether that was on Instagram or in your heart and mind.  Read more about the challenge if you missed it and feel free to complete it and choose best in your life anytime. 

As part of the challenge we are accepting donations to a primary in Honduras. I have been in communication with the primary president and will get to meet her family this month in real life to give her the donations. The primary president will use the funds to buy much needed items for the children in her branch. They are so poor and in great need. Any amount you can donate would be so gracious! Venmo it to @ComeFollowMe-FHE by end of day July 2nd. 


Enjoy your lesson this week with your family!

Much love,


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