Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole, Healing

Learning of the miracles the Savior performed is possibly the most uplifting and faith promoting part of the bible. I love hearing how he takes time for those who are struggling and sick. Those people who in the worlds eyes, are not important, are acknowledged by Christ. It is the same for me and you, today.

As I studied this lesson I felt stuck. I prayed for guidance and the spirit calmed my heart when I set my mind upon simply telling the stories of Jesus. Our children need to know the stories of Christ. Therefore, this week may feel simple to some but know it is what I was guided to teach for this lesson.

Please use the pictures below on your tablet or laptop to show your children as you read each story. Due to copyright these photo’s will not be sent out in the email.

Start off the lesson by learning Tell Me The Stories of Jesus, words provided in the emailed materials. Please read and discuss about these miracles performed by the Savior. You may use the simple props I suggested on the Scripture Story List for the week if you choose.

Read about healing a man who was paralyzed in Mark 2:1-12. Use the photo on 


Read Matthew 8:14-15 about Peter’s mother-in-law with fever.

Read how Christ heals the blind man in Matthew 9:27-31. Use the photo on while you read the verses aloud. 


Read a woman with an issue of blood in Mark 5:24-34. Display the image on while learning this story. 


Read about Christ healing Jairus’s daughter in Mark 5:22-23, 35-43. A great video is found on the church website that is great for children to understand. 


Read about the leper in Matthew 8:1-4. Consider displaying a picture for the kids to look at while you teach about the lepers. 


After sharing the stories of Jesus discuss together what the spirit tells your heart. Use these cute scripture bracelets and memorize the message on them. These are sent out to subscribers in the emailed materials. Perfect for children and adults!

To wrap up your lesson share ideas about how we can be like Jesus. Make a list on a whiteboard or chalkboard if you are teaching primary. Make it your goal this week to be more Christlike at work, home and school. Share this video, “Lessons I Learned As A Boy” off . I cry with this message every time, it does not matter how many times I have seen it. I hope your family enjoys it!

Lastly, use the coloring pages provided for the week. My family is pondering the scripture on the page the entire week. Especially because for our family this one hits very close to home. If you want to hear more of our story check out my interview going live soon on

Make sure to check out all of the bonus activities that I provide each week on your summary sheet. I will share one of the ideas for this lesson with you here, oh happy day!

Bonus Idea #1: Complete this darling C is for Christ page. What do we learn about Christ from these stories? What are his characteristics? How can we be like him? Let your children use and love these. Print each child more than one and let them go to town in every way they can think of. These pages come in color and black and white. We think they are pretty awesome!

Dot Markers!

The bingo marker pictured is from a local store and very runny. They do not work nearly as well as the ones I linked below off of Amazon. I use those in my classroom and they are perfect!

[button text=”Lesson 10 Materials” radius=”99″ icon=”icon-angle-right” link=””]

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